Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Ruler Who Was Not a King - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1653 Downloads: 2 Date added: 2019/03/13 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: Autobiography Essay Did you like this example? I am a conqueror, I am king, and more than that I am a ruler. A king can be can be an evil tyrant, but a ruler is respected, and expands his kingdom for the better. My name is Cyrus II known as Cyrus the Great, founder of the Achaemenid empire, and father to many. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Ruler Who Was Not a King" essay for you Create order My father is the king of Anshan, and my grandfather is the king of Media. I know that I will inherit inevitable power, and I what I saw as an embodiment of power was my Grandfather, king Astyages. Though, I loved my grandfather, I wish I knew that he would be my enemy and most unexpected rival. My goal as a ruler is to have my subjects loyalty, and it is through this loyalty that a kingdom expands. This was my grandfathers mistake, and I will make sure that it is not mine. My grandfathers betrayal which made me the respected king that I am now happened when I returned back to Anshan and was given a package of a hare, that I was told to open. I was shocked by the contents of the letter I received in inside. I was told my grandfathers servant Harpagus, which he said he has been abused terrifically, that my grandfather wanted me dead and was about to head for me, though if I march on Media, hell gather the army thats supposed to oppose me, and well fight together. I jumped for this opportunity, and headed for Media. I am a conqueror, I could not let anyone even my grandfather, threaten that, my rule of Media, I know is for the better, and it is from here where I continue my conquest and create an empire an empire. When I got there I met with Harpagus and we fought together until I get complete control of Media. Afterwards, I asked if he thought he needed anything in return, I was appalled when he said, he wanted vengeance on my grandfather for the the years of torture he put him through. I furiously told him he was foolish and wicked man, for having the desire to shed blood and go through war just on the basis of getting revenge. My philosophy is conquer what needs to beconquered for the better, affecting other people lives in a horrible manner for a personal vendetta is unforgivable. Its times like this why I later, let the jews be free, and let the babylonians be continue on with their life when I conquered them. So, I denied this offer, and kept my grandfather in seclusion, after all he put me through, hes lucky I spared him with my kindness. It was the year, 560 BCE, where I finally united the persians with Media. My two homes, that I felt a disconnection two when only at one, now are bonded in unison, and can be associated as one. From here is where I am able to expand my rule over oth ers that would be later known as the Achaemenid Empire. I was resideding back in Persia, until 546 BCE, when I became faced with Croesus, king of Lydia. Ever since this war, I became to feel more sympathetic towards people, and others saw that, and it is this emotional attachment with my subjects that their loyalty is so great. Through my spies and further intelligence, I was informed Croesus was about to try and conquer the empire which I just succeeded in taking. I was not about to let my new found rule go to a waste, I immediately went to fight him on a battlefield at Pteria. The battle felt long, and lasted till morning, I knew this battle would keep going, and I knew Croesus knew too, so we both went our separate ways, knowing this was not the end. A king may sacrifice his men for a win, but I am a ruler, strategic decisions like this saves my men which later allowed others to follow me in my successful, resulted reign. We won the battle and took Croesus prisoner. Before he was executed and sentenced to death by fire, Croesus cried to someone named solon in regret, in curiosity I told them to stop, but the fire had already lit and it was too late. He then cried out to god Apollo, and a big thunder came down and water spilled down him, and he was saved. In response Croesus told me how Solon proclaimed that he would not know the meaning of true happiness, till his life ended, and I could tell that the gods agreed, upon his salvation. I soon became fond him, and it was right then and there where I finally told myself to be thankful for the life given to me, and started to see people in a different way, that made me care more. I found myself to now be a foe of Croesus and learned to care more about the people in my life, and how I affect them and myself, in order to reach full happiness. 544 BCE, is when I reached my greatest victory, and where my soul was lightened for the better. There was a massive city called Babylon. It was seen as powerful, beautiful, and great, which was something I wanted to become a part, as everyone should have the experience to be in my presence under my rule. I conquered the Babylonians with a large army, which was ready to overpower any opposition to our success. When I defeated them, I was horrified knowing of the Jews who were held captive. After the battle of Lydia, my happiness felt short associated with the enslavement of the Jews, I released them and told them to go back home to Judea, and rebuild their house of god in Jerusalem. I made some practical changes for Babylon, and with the freeing of the Jews, I knew I have done something for the better, and my success in conquering it was not in vain. This was my most greatest victory, but I know that a ruler has to gather ones loyalty before they can actually rule as a respected king. It was inevitable that there would be some defiance in my new found rule, as unlike Media and Ansan, I was related to both kingdoms, and grew up with the people, here I could be seen as a tyrant or undeserving ruler who just had a lot of power. So in defense I created a cylinder, proclaiming my rightful rule over Babylon. I came into Babylon with peace, I gave them nothing to fear of me, and my royal lineage gives me a right to rule. I did nothing wrong to Babylon, and I made it a better city as a whole, without the brutal enslavement of the Jews. I stated my rule that covers the 4 quarters of the world. My royal lineage, peaceful invasion, and tolerant ruling, made me their legitimate ruler, and it is through this cylinder, if one should have any doubt about me, this would validate my legitimacy as their rightful king. The expedition of this great city took 14 years, and it was worth all the time and effort of making it mine, as it is because of here that my name will travel across the lands. After so many years later, I could tell I was seen differently, and heard that the persians called me father, and the greeks were calling my law giver, and the long freed jews called me Anointed of the lord. I knew that I had made an impact on this world, and the people in it. I made myself a being of higher statue, I even bet the gods would respect me on the same level, I am respected just like them, by others. It was time for me to settle, and start a new destiny. I returned back to Media, where both my parents still lived, and I married my dear wife Cassandane. We have many children together. I had two sons Cambyses II, and Smerdis, and two daughters Atrystone and Roxane. I will bequeath my empire to my son Cambyses II, and make my other son Symberdis Lieutenant of Media, Armena, and CAldusia. My line is of pure royalty, and I expect my children to continue legacies that rival mine. Otherwise, my proclamation for Baylon and how my royal lineage and peaceful prosperity make me a rightful ruler, will soon be questioned. I freed the Jews, gave mercy to my grandfather, and expanded my empire to cover parts of the world. My godlike, presence, is not a quality but an evolvement. Ive given many to others, and helped them become part of an empire that will go down in history as a great one. I dont have much time, as this is where I end my story. Right now I am about to go into war. I must invade the Scythians and their king Tomyris as my settlement in Media, is not myend, my kingship needs to cover more land, though just like the babylonians i will go in with peaceful goals, I will take this city and even more people shall praise me. When I conquere, I didnt just siege cities, and put my name on it to further my reputation, what I do, iss conquer the attention of people, I make them praise me like they do their own gods. I know I will be talked about for the rest of time, and that is something the Scythians or any one will never take away from me, even when I pass. All people will talk about is the greatness and success of my rule. Long ago, Croesus told me that people will never know true happiness until they are faced with their death, but I already know what true happiness is, and it is me, Cyrus the Great, ruler and father to many.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Op 10 Principles For Positive Business Ethics Essay
op 10 Principles for Positive Business Ethics By Philip E. Humbert | Submitted On January 04, 2005 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook 10 Share this article on Twitter 2 Share this article on Google+ 2 Share this article on Linkedin 2 Share this article on StumbleUpon 1 Share this article on Delicious 2 Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit 1 Share this article on Pinterest 2 This morning, I read about a company using on-line auctions to defraud customers. Last week, I consulted on an ethics complaint where a business coach betrayed a client s confidentiality. And, recently a Physician was convicted of insider trading based on information from a patient, a violation of both business ethics and her professional ethics. Business ethics are the key to profits. If clients and customers don t trust you, and your business ethics, they will not do business with you. Would you buy from a company you didn t trust? Of course not! Business ethics have become a hot-button topic. There are often ethical conflicts between making money, and doing what is right. There can be dilemmas about doing what is best for your employer, what s best for your own career, and what s best for the customer. Business ethics is about negotiating these mine-fields. Here are my Top 10 Principles for Positive Business Ethics: 1. Business Ethics are built on Personal Ethics. There is no real separation between doing what is right inShow MoreRelatedBUSI 601 Individual Learning Project 1 Essay3573 Words  | 15 PagesFitzer, personal communication April 7, 2014). For instance, although the organization is small in size through a partnership with a credit union network, it is able to provide general financial services at diverse locations throughout the country (CO-OP Financial Services, 2013). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Monsignor Quixote Unleashed Free Essays
Graham Greene is known in recent years as the â€Å"old master†as a writer. He had already accumulated tremendous achievements which led him in having an expertise in writing. Because of the freedom that he exudes in writing, his subject matter, intensity and tone of writing style is quite extended significantly. We will write a custom essay sample on Monsignor Quixote: Unleashed or any similar topic only for you Order Now Greene’s works were usually focused in pity, doom and the impenetrability of God’s will. In his work entitled â€Å"The Human Factor†(1978), he talks about the protagonist victim trapped in a twist of betrayal and spying. In his another book entitled â€Å"Dr. Fisher of Geneva, or The Bomb party†(1980), tells about he chilling story of a wealthy man who plays God sadistically with his poor assistants who tried to entertain him and humiliate and hurt them in return. However, another masterpiece from the old master, the gentlest among Greene’s works, has introduced a worthwhile read entitled â€Å"Monsignor Quixote†. â€Å"Monsignor Quixote†is an offshoot of Cervantes’s work (Greene, 1990). In this version, the readers are opened to the idea of Catholic faith and Communist sympathy conflict. The setting is in Spain in the late 1960’s were the end of the Second Vatican Council and of the end of the Latin Mass happened. This novel tells the story of a humble and kind priest who believes that himself that he was a descendant of Don Quixote, the famous Knight of the Sorrowful Countenance. After such belligerent, he was promoted as Monsignor and later forces Father Quixote from his parish in El Toboso wherein such promotion had been made by a powerful Italian bishop whom Quixote helped in fixing his car and providing him with a sumptuous lunch. Outrage of a local bishop in El Toboso arises and requested him of leave of absence to go to Madrid and buy purple socks and bib as the new Monsignor. Father Quixote’s cavalry will soon emerge. This book teaches valuable reflections about authority, hope and despair, love and selfishness (Greene, 1990). However, the rejection of dogmatic authority in the church and state is the focused of the book. Greene emphasizes the value of the spirit and not in the letter (system). Greene was said to be intertwined between two systems which requires utmost obedience and submission to the adherents. He delves onto the human weaknesses rather than uprightness. Doubt is seen as a paradox, which it is in human nature to doubt for humans are intrinsic and can control their instincts. Decisions made from incomplete information arises the matter of doubt. Greene’s inclusion of the Catholic faith as a background is hope in the most extreme situations. Monsignor Quixote and Sancho Plaza had congruent hopes on such event, thus, Monsignor hopes for Sancho, being a Communist to convert into being a Catholic while Sancho hopes for Monsignor to be a Marxist. And these hopes did not end triumphantly which lead to despair. In the book, their hopes arise through the books they read: Sancho’s preference in Marx’s works and Monsignor’s in religious books. Sancho is a materialist while Monsignor is selfless and do care for the world’s salvation. Considerably, the greatest virtue amongst all is Love. Greene knew that there is hope because there is love in it. In this regard, Sancho was faced in a conflict if he will rescue his friend from El Toboso or seek refuge form his fellow Communists. But because of love and loyalty, Sancho did not cross the frontier and instead went to El Toboso to save his friend. His loyalty and love for his friend is more important than his safety. In Greene’s works, usually there are borders which are not meant to be crossed. Love is eternal. Sancho’s reflections on the nature of love, that hate is finished through revenge, still love persists after death. Monsignor realized that Sancho would not abandon him, because he saw in him love and unselfishness (Greene, 1990) . â€Å"Monsignor Quixote†is an inspirational read, a book which greatly exemplified the humble characteristics of its author, Graham Greene. References: Greene, G. (1990). Monsignor Quixote (Reissue ed.): Pocket. Towers, Robert. (1982, September 19). An Amiable Graham Greene. The New York Times on the Web. Retrieved July 13 2007, from   How to cite Monsignor Quixote: Unleashed, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
My Aim in Life free essay sample
My aim in life – To be successful (having attained wealth, position, honor) A solid belief system can take us a long way. Success has a belief system and when we can master such a system we are through half way to a successful life. Everything happens for a reason. Successful people believe that there is a purpose behind every event or situation. Whether it’s a lesson to be learned or a change in your life’s direction, they believe that whatever happens was meant to happen. Thus, they make lemonade out of a lemon. Instead of beating yourself down if something does not go your way, focus on the good that can come out of it. Yes, certain events are difficult to see a positive outcome, but you owe it to yourself and to your success to try your best to make the most out of any situation. Sometimes life does not go as planned, but knowing that everything happens for a reason can help you carve a new path towards a new life with new goals. We will write a custom essay sample on My Aim in Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While climbing the ladder of a successful in life always remember that failure can be a learning experience. Once you submerge yourself into a culture that does not see failure as defeat, you take away an enormous chunk of negative energy from your life. You should always take responsibility for your decisions and actions as it’s very easy to play the blame game whenever a difficult situation arises, but as a leader who takes full responsibility, whether positive or negative of their actions are the one who are successful today. You may be tempted to deflect blame onto others but there is something empowering about accepting responsibility. This shows maturity, as well as a coherent belief system. It’s a symbol of personal power which is necessary to become highly successful.
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